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Saturday, July 16, 2016


I wanted to put a charging possibility between Smolensk and Moscow on
Plugshare, so we stopped in Wjasma. Asked at around 6 places and the best
we could find was a 3-phase 230V socket at a car repair/wash shop. They
really wanted to help us and we had to convice them that 230V is too slow
for our purpose. A bit frustrated we left the town because Lena became
annoyed by the searching. Then to stop at a Lukoil gas station and what did
we see there - a 400V 16A plug. I got so excited it was ridiculous. :-) We
approached the hotdog sales woman, and she already looked very grumpy from
the beginning.. Lena explained. Electric car... Charging... Red plug...
Important please... but the old grumpy woman was looking like she was only
waiting for someone to ask her something so she could say "NO!!!!". And so
she did. Too dangerous, explosion etc. But she works at a gas station. Oh.
My. God. No one else to ask. Manager? On vacation. Yeah right. Oh well...
We couldn't just plug in and steal their electricity so we left. We didn't
really need to charge but it would have been fun.

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